Institusi Penelitian dan Desain BauingDesain Kenneth Ko
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Desain Kenneth Ko

Brief Introduction

Kenneth Ko

Chairman of the board / design director of Kenneth Ko Designs Ltd 

Senior interior designer in Hong Kong

Academician of Royal Institute of British Architects

Academician of Hong Kong Institute of Architects

Academician of Royal Australian Institutes of Architects

Kenneth Ko is an architect and also a leading interior designer in Hong Kong. He enjoys a good reputation of “Father of Interior Design in Hong Kong”. He once studied in Australia, and founded the Kenneth Ko Designs Ltd after returning to work in Hong Kong for a few years.

Kenneth Ko was born in Shanghai in 1943. His father managed a chain restaurant, and provided good living conditions for the Kenneth Ko’s family. Kenneth Ko went to Hong Kong at the age of six, then went to Australia after graduating from high school, and finally graduated with the first-class honor at the University of Melbourne. Furthermore, he obtained the Distinguished Design Award for Bachelor of Architecture and won the Picton Hopkins Prize.

In 1970, Kenneth Ko returned to Hong Kong as a graduate of the Department of Architecture. First, he worked as architect for several years at Peter Y.S. Pun & Associates, and then served as project manager at Lee On Construction Company. Till 1976, he founded the Kenneth Ko Designs Ltd. In 1977, Kenneth Ko designed for his cabin in Shek O, thereby turning an old small village house into a wonderful cozy nest. His neighbors marveled at his design talent, and then gave 300,000 Hong Kong dollars to invite him for home furnishing design. At that time, this amount was enough to buy a thousand feet unit.

Combining Chinese and Western cultures, Kenneth’s design infiltrates the Chinese culture into the concept of architecture, coupled with Western technology and comfort characteristics, and he can create unique design works. He has a passion for ancient cultures, because the ancient buildings will not be faded due to the age-old, or even no geographical restrictions. In order to meet the creative and technical curiosity, Kenneth Ko often travels around the world, and harmonizes with natural buildings and environment. Therefore, his design is always unique.

Another talent of Kenneth Ko is the ingenuity of making good use of space. He believes that the purpose of interior design is to create comfort. Any compartment will become both beautiful and practical through his slight adjustment and modification. After he makes some changes, the originally small room will make you feel spacious. He can add the decorations according to the occupants’ preferences and always gives a warm feeling to them. Kenneth thinks that the thoughts and feelings of the guests are the root of the creation, so he will first carefully listen to the needs and expectations of the guests, and then begin the design after careful consideration. This is his way to success.

In his daily life, in addition to interior design, exercise is also an essential part of Kenneth Ko’s life. He published a personal photo album At His Peak at the age of 53, which not only commemorates the death of his mother, but also shows the importance of having both a business and a healthy body to everyone. At the age of 56, Kenneth Ko was honored as “Millennium Intelligent Men” for his “very stylish body”. He was on the much-anticipated podium together with Tony Leung, Louis Koo and other well-known stars.

He stresses the quality, taste and personality. And his design is always amazing. Kenneth Ko believes that only taste life can create elegant cause and life.

This is Kenneth Ko.

        ……  Senior interior designer in Hong Kong

        ……  Academician of Royal Institute of British Architects

        ……  Academician of Hong Kong Institute of Architects

        ……  Academician of Royal Australian Institutes of Architects

        ……  Top Ten Charming Men in Hong Kong

        ……  Founded the Hong Kong Kenneth Ko Designs Ltd in 1976

        ……  Founded the Shenzhen Kenneth Ko Designs Ltd in 2003

        ……  Established the Shenzhen Kenneth Ko Enterprise Management Co., Ltd in 2007, and created 9 major life brands for MY series.

        ……  Obtained the Lifetime Achievement Award of Hong Kong Interior Design Association in 2013

        ……  Obtained the “Recognition of Major International Achievements” of International Federation of Interior Designers/Architects (IFI) in 2014

        ……  Obtained the nomination of British Business Awards in 2014

Karya Perwakilan

orbidden City Restaurant, Shenzhen Kenneth Ko Designs Ltd, Apartemen Seberang Sungai Thames, Hotel Bontique Indonesia, Galeri Seni Tionghoa Kastil Baron Skotlandia, Emei Xueyan Square, Kompleks Shanxi, Lijiang St. Regis, Horizons Selatan, and lain karya yang tersebar di seluruh Hong Kong.

Published works

 《Kenneth Ko’s Home Style • Kenneth Ko’s Interior Design Portfolio I》

 《House and Office • Kenneth Ko’s Interior Design Portfolio Ⅱ》

 《Leisure and Other Spaces • Kenneth Ko’s Interior Design Portfolio Ⅲ》

 《Famous Boutiques and Department Stores • Kenneth Ko’s Interior Design Portfolio Ⅳ》

 《Father of Interior Design in Hong Kong • Kenneth Ko》

 《Appreciation • Taste》、《Appreciation • Legen》、《Appreciation • Enlightenment》

  Kenneth Ko’s autobiographical novel Turn to Spring Mud

  Kenneth Ko’s personal photo album ATHISPEAK

 《Heart • Kenneth Ko • Lijiang》《Heart • Kenneth Ko • Shanxi Grand Courtyards》《Heart • Kenneth Ko • Desert Hotel》

Kenneth Ko Interior Design Portfolio Series


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